East London Acupuncture

Acupuncture in East London. Clinics, practitioners, doctors and surgeons specialising in acupuncture for a range of treatments, dealing with migraine, sciatica, insomnia, IBS, neuralgia, skin complaints, arthritis, muscular & joint pains, and more.

    East London Acupuncture
    Fully qualified acupuncturist, trained in the UK, working from various locations around East London. Evening and early morning appointments available. 3 London locations
    07522 062338

    Acupuncture & Bodywork Therapy
    Acupuncture and bodywork therapy treatment in Bow East London, including traditional Chinese acupuncture, neuromuscular bodywork, sports massage therapy, Tui Na acupressure, Thai Yoga massage. Duncan McGechie BACS.
    Bow, London

    TCM Practice
    Acupuncture, TuiNa medical, meridian & energy massages, cupping for pain, anxiety, stress, digestive & skin issues, women's health & fertility treatments in Dalston, Hackney. Holistic, uniquely tailored personalised treatments & treatment plans.
    E8 2DA
    07957 686 296
