Employment Law Barristers

Barristers in London specialising in employment law covering unfair & constructive dismissal claims, prejudice at work of any kind, racial, gender, age, sexuality. Dispute resolution, breach of confidence, litigation, drafting, settlements & tribunals

    Doughty Street Chambers
    West End of London barristers specialising in employment law. The team is particularly well regarded for collective labour law, all types of discrimination cases, judicial review applications, involving public sector workers and office - holders.
    Doughty Street
    WC1N 2PL
    020 7831 6666

    5 Pump Court Chambers
    London employment & discrimination barristers. Extensive experience of representing employers and employees both in the Employment Tribunal and the Employment Appeal Tribunal, as well as acting in employment related claims in the civil courts.
    EC4Y 7AP
    020 7353 2532

    Cornerstone Barristers
    Employment law barristers in Gray's Inn, Central London. Specialisations include - discrimination law, dismissal claims, equal pay, industrial action, restraint of trade & transfer of undertakings.
    Gray's Inn Square
    WC1R 5JH
    020 7242 4986

    Park Chambers
    Employment mediator in London. An employment barrister, employment mediator, accredited commercial mediator and civil mediator. Accepts direct public access instructions from companies and the public with or without a solicitor.
    KT13 8UU
    01932 820082

    Thomas More Chambers
    London employment law barristers services ranging from representation, for both claimants and respondents in tribunals and courts to legal advice on all areas of employment law and drafting from contracts of employment to settlement agreements.
    Lincoln's Inn Fields
    WC2A 3BP
    020 7404 7000

    Tanfield Chambers
    Tanfield Chambers is a London-based set of barristers’ chambers which encapsulates much of what is best about the modern bar. Members of chambers offer a niche specialism in employment law.
    WC1R 5DJ
    020 7421 5300

    Matrix Chambers
    Employment law specialist barristers in central London. They are at the cutting edge of employment law but regularly undertake more routine work. Expertise extends to advice and representation at disciplinary hearings, and before professional bodies.
    Gray's Inn
    WC1R 5LN
    020 7404 3447

    Farringdon Barristers Chambers
    Employment law barristers in SE London.
    Bermondsey Street
    SE1 3TQ
    020 7089 5700

    Henderson Chambers
    London employment law barristers acting for both employers and employees. Particular expertise in restraint of trade and breach of confidence; wrongful dismissal and related contractual claims; unfair dismissal claims; discrimination claims.
    EC4Y 9DB
    020 7583 9020

    Daniel Barnett Employment Law Barrister
    Daniel Barnett is a barrister at 1 Temple Gardens, specialising in employment law and associated commercial disputes.
    Temple Gardens
    EC4Y 9BB
    020 7583 1315

    2 Temple Gardens Barristers Chambers
    Members of 2TG Employment Group have extensive experience of all areas of employment law and have been instructed in a number of prominent cases. They act for both claimants and respondents.
    Temple Gardens
    EC4Y 9AY
    020 7822 1200

    Old Square Chambers
    A specialist set with over sixty members, including 10 Queen's Counsel, Old Square Chambers provides advocacy, advice and drafting of the highest quality at trial and appellate level. Their expertise covers employment & discrimination.
    Bedford Row
    WC1R 4BU
    020 7269 0300

    9 Gough Square
    The City Chambers of Grahame Aldous QC. Specialist expertise covering employment issues acting for claimants & respondents including public authority work. Commercial & business disputes, human rights, health & safety at work.
    City of London
    EC4A 3DG
    020 7832 0500

    Garden Court Chambers
    Central London barristers specialising in employment & discrimination law. Members of their employment team provide a high quality, efficient and approachable service, geared particularly to the needs to claimants and their advisers.
    Lincoln's Inn Fields
    WC2A 3LJ
    020 7993 7600

    Keith Webster Barrister
    Keith Webster is an employment barrister with a Central London office as well as regional offices throughout the UK.
    EC4Y 7DL
    020 7125 0457

    3 Serjeants' Inn
    City of London employment law barristers. In recent years members of the employment team have been instructed in some high profile cases, such as Skidmore v Dartford, the House of Lords' decision on hospital consultants' employment contracts.
    City of London
    EC4Y 1BQ
    020 7427 5000

    No 5 Chambers
    Employment law barristers in the City of London. The Employment Group offers the full range of advisory and advocacy services in all court and tribunals in England and Wales, as well as representation in Jersey and other European jurisdictions.
    Shoe Lane
    EC4A 3JB
    0845 210 5555

    Clerksroom Employment Law Group
    Members of Clerksroom provide advocacy at Courts & Tribunals throughout England, Scotland, Wales. All areas of employment law from unfair dismissal cases to more complex claims involving discrimination, victimisation & TUPE.
    0845 083 3000

    Cloisters Barristers
    Cloisters is a leading set in the City of London with special expertise in employment law.
    Pump Court, Temple
    EC4Y 7AA
    020 7827 4000
