Search Results
Buildings relocatable
Sale, rental, custom relocatable, portable and modular multipurpose building providers in North, South, East, West, Central London and Home Counties, design and construction of moveable self-contained buildings, units and cabins including modular offices, school rooms, hospital buildings, marketing suites & retail facilities, warehousing, logsitics buildings, loading canopies, sports halls, industrial spaces, learning spaces, speciality and bespoke temporary buildings.
McLeod Cabins
Based Wallingford Oxon covering London SE, SW England, Midlands, McLeod sell & hire mobile trailer cabins 8' x 7' 6" up to 22' x 7' 6", Jack Leg instant accommodation cabins in many configurations, steel storage, accommodation & toilet units.London - South East - South West - Midlands
01491 871502
Top Container Hire
Anti vandal relocatable cabins for offices, storage, canteens, changing, drying & rest rooms delivered to North, South, East, West, NW, NE, SW, SE, Central & City of London, Home counties & nationwide.London - Home Counties - Nationwide
0844 288 7263
The Cabin Club
Portable buildings in London & the South for public and private sectors, single & multi storey accommodation for both temporary or permanent use, meeting the needs of education, health, public authorities & national industries.Croydon, Surrey
020 8777 2824
Cabin Locator
Cabin hire & sale, portable buildings, site accommodation and modular units for purchase & rental, also temporary classrooms, anti vandal buildings, offices, canteens, marketing suites, site offices & drying rooms.Southern England
01283 734900
Foremans Modular Buildings
Leading UK specialist in 2nd hand & refurbished modular & portakabin buildings for sale or hire, vast stocks, design buildings to bespoke requirements for use including offices, classrooms, hospital facilities, airports, site accommodation.Hemel Hempstead
0845 200 9451
MPB Temporary Classrooms
Midlands Portable Buildings are specialists in hire & purchase of education accommodation, new & refurbished temporary classrooms in London & nationwide, provide quality space, comfortable learning environment, also corporate classrooms.London - Nationwide
01543 876124
Hayes West London depot providing relocatable and permanent self-contained and modular steel frame buildings for sale & hire in all areas of London North, South, East, West, NW, NE, SW, SE, central & City of London, home counties.Hayes, Middx
020 8561 9300
Conport Structures Ltd
London based portable buildings company with units ideal for camp sites, offices, military purposes in all areas of London - North, South, East, West, NW, NE, SW, SE, Central and City of London, readily deployable, easy to erect, permanent or temporary.Chelsea
020 7730 9105
Rawley HireSpace
Full range of anti-vandal portable cabins for use as canteens or offices. COMBI-GEN Welfare Units mobile or jackleg completely self-contained and self-powered. Anti-vandal stores.London - Home Counties
01268 722304
Useful Structures
Useful Structures supply & install flexible, cost effective, contemporary modular building systems, long lasting alternatives to traditional solutions, permanent or fully relocatable, quick to erect, versatile meeting future requirements.Rugby, Warwickshire
CV23 0AL
01788 861246
Relocatable Building Systems
Supply & install modular & portable buildings, refurbished pre owned modules as site office, mobile classroom, nursery, drying room, sports changing room, canteen, hospital accommodation, temporary ward, doctors' surgery, laboratory.London - Nationwide
01283 734900
Sports Changing Rooms
Convenience Services design, plan & install pre-fabricated portable modular sports changing rooms for sports clubs & organisations throughout the UK, Republic of Ireland and Europe. Bespoke design and installation consultation at no extra cost.0845 006 0737 :
Spacemaker Modular & Portable Buildings
Wide choice of modular portable buildings, design and build, portable offices, workshops, site offices, portable cabins, anti vandal stores, temporary buildings, classrooms, anti vandal fabrications, stock & budget units.0845 500 2223
Portable Offices
Leading UK supplier of temporary offices, portable buildings, mobile modular buildings & units for education, childcare, training, office space, sales & marketing suite, gatehouse & ticket office, canteen, sports facilities, workshop, construction.01244 535566
Severnside Relocatable Systems
Buys, refurbishes, sells, delivers & relocates all types of new & used portable cabins & modular buildings, portable containers anti vandal steel cabins & portable space in the South West, South Wales & South MidlandsGloucestershire
GL14 3JA
01594 821008
Portable Space Limited
Portable steel cabins and containers including collapsible sectional steel storage containers from the Expandastore range.East Anglia - South East London
0845 3311424
Elliott Hire
Elliott are the world leader in modular space & secure storage solutions. Whether you need a mobile welfare unit for a building site, a temporary office for your industrial unit or an anti vandal safe store, Elliott will have the unit to suit.Nationwide
0808 108 2222
Relocatable Building Systems Ltd
RBS provides a vast range of small to large portable and modular buildings for sale and hire nationwide, installed and set up according to individual requirement, includes units for offices, classrooms, site accommodation, welfare, all purposes.Derby
DE65 5FE
01283 734900