Replacement Windows in Essex

Replacement windows in Essex. Double-glazed windows, doors, and conservatories from the Essex Window Doctor.AKH Installations are specialists in double-glazed UPVC replacement windows, doors, and conservatories, for homes and businesses in South East Essex.

Also known as the Window Doctor in Essex, repairs and fixes to existing uPVC and aluminium windows, doors and conservatories can be carried out with all work guaranteed. We can fix broken window locks, broken patio door locks, repair misted windows, fix broken glass and glazing, fix broken hinges and handles, and repair conservatory leaks and problems.

Established in 1989, AKH Installations receives most of its double-glazed replacement window work via recommendation, and has in the past been contracted by several large mainstream replacement window companies, covering all of South East Essex.

Contact the Window Doctor Essex Today!

Due to low overheads, AKH Installations can offer excellent quality work at a very competitive price, all with the personal service of a family-run business.

All window work is fully guaranteed, and full installations carried out within 3-4 weeks of completing the final the survey. Window repairs by the Essex Window Doctor are normally made within seven days and sometimes same day repairs can be made. Also an emergency window doctor call out service is available 24 hr including Saturdays and Sundays.

For more information, please contact AKH Installations using the details to the left, or if you would like a quotation for double-glazed replacement window work in South East Essex, please contact us.



© 1989 - 2016 AKH Installations

AKH Installations specialise in upvc double glazing, replacement windows, doors, conservatories, in Essex, UK. AKH Installations supplies and installs upvc double glazing, replacement windows, doors, and conservatories for trade and commercial. AKH Installations offer free quotations for replacement windows and window repairs.