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Make Your Social Media Profile Stand Out
Make Your Social Media Profile Stand Out
How to Stand out From the Digital Crowd?Indeed, with all those thousands and thousands of people looking for meaningful communication on the web, does anyone know for sure...
Online Networking: Safety Tips
Online Networking: Safety Tips
How to enjoy social networking – and never fear about your security? With so many cases of harvesting personal info, we understand and share your concern. Follow the tips...
Choosing the Social Media Picture
Choosing the Social Media Picture
Viewing dozens of social media profiles, you always get an impression of a person hidden behind the account. People judge yourself by the profile picture as well. Therefore,...
Making Friends Online: What to Avoid
Making Friends Online: What to Avoid
Want to befriend more people on the web? Avoid these typical mistakes that stop you from finding friendships online: Never intrude. It may seem that the person you’ve...
Make Friends Online – And Stay Cool
Make Friends Online – And Stay Cool
You want more friends and try the internet, but every other conversation ends up in embarrassment or silence? We’ve got you covered! Check out these pro tips on how to befriend...
How to Keep Your Sensitive Data Safe
How to Keep Your Sensitive Data Safe
Today we cannot imagine our lives without social media networks. They are getting increasingly popular among the users of different ages, because these sites and apps...
Make Your Social Media Profile Stand Out
Make Your Social Media Profile Stand Out

How to Stand out From the Digital Crowd?

Indeed, with all those thousands and thousands of people looking for meaningful communication on the web, does anyone know for sure how to make their profile stand out?

Experience has shown that once you sign up for some social media network, everything is going quite fine until the very moment you need to come up with making a profile. Lots of people often get lost and forget everything they know about themselves and things that might help the situation.

Let’s think about 2 simple things to make your profile look nice enough to help you make a social connection with someone.

Tip 1: Outside Perspective

Ask a few of your friends to briefly describe you as a personality. They may tell you things you associate with and you would never think about yourself. Why not add this information to your profile? Provided it’s a positive information of course, not just a short list of your bad habits.

Tip 2: Something to Share With Others

Finding a like-minded person these days is only half of the deal. People will be really interested to know what they might enjoy doing together with you, be it a yoga class, horse riding, walking, or anything else. Knowing you can share your fav activity with someone who likes it too is a priceless feeling. That’s why don’t be shy to put this information in your profile and allow potential friends enjoy the feeling.

Online Networking: Safety Tips
Online Networking: Safety Tips

How to enjoy social networking – and never fear about your security? With so many cases of harvesting personal info, we understand and share your concern. Follow the tips below to always stay safe and secure.

Use privacy settings. Check out what your social network has to offer in terms of privacy settings – and be sure to use them. These settings differ from site to site, but the examples include: restraining access to your profile; appearing in search results; etc. 

Limit your sharing. You don’t need to control each of your actions online, but keep in mind that oversharing means over-risking. Your birthday date or any other piece of info that can unlock your other accounts… do they really belong online? Spilling out your holiday dates is another no-no, as burglars are on the lookout for empty houses. 

Don’t chase popularity. It’s surely flattering to have lots of friends on your social network… but scammers never rest. A better strategy is to only add people who you know are real – and those whose profiles have been verified. If you see someone suspicious, be sure to double-check. They may be using fake or blurred photos – or have no profile picture at all. Their profile may be empty or contain suspicious bits of info, for example: they claim they live in your country, but their grammar skills leave much to be desired. Beware! This may be a case of scam. 

Choosing the Social Media Picture
Choosing the Social Media Picture

Viewing dozens of social media profiles, you always get an impression of a person hidden behind the account. People judge yourself by the profile picture as well. Therefore, your profile photo is the key aspect of others’ impression about you. 

They need to see your face

Whether you like dogs, cats, nature, or some other cute things, the profile picture must not be a place to show your passions. Everyone has some likings, but you can tell about them later. If people do not see your face, they won’t follow you. Your face must fill 80% of an image. It must not be too far and must not be too close. They should see you and a bit of background. 

Don’t forget about the body language

People can see your openness and closeness just by your smile. If you want to show your openness, open your mouth and don’t hide teeth while smiling.

Use the right colors

Contrasting colors attract attention. If the colors of your social media website are cool, select the picture with warm colors. That will make you more visible. 

The background must be simple

If you don’t want to take the focus off of your face, don’t use pics with busy backgrounds. Moreover, your background colors should not coincide with your clothes or hair color. 

Being yourself and following these tips will help you to make your picture magnetizing. 

Making Friends Online: What to Avoid
Making Friends Online: What to Avoid

Want to befriend more people on the web? Avoid these typical mistakes that stop you from finding friendships online: 

Never intrude. It may seem that the person you’ve contacted is ignoring you… but in reality there are a thousand and one good reasons for them not to reply at once. They may be busy at work, driving, relaxing or just in a bad mood. Don’t spam them with messages; you’ll only come across as needy and intrusive. Let the conversation unfold naturally. Remember: not everyone you meet online (or offline) is destined to become your best pal. 

Don’t be egocentric. We all love talking about our beautiful selves, but don’t forget you’re also talking to a person. Show your genuine interest by focusing on things you have in common. Mutual hobbies, interests and experiences are great to keep the conversation going. Ask the other person questions – this will show that you care about their personality. 

Make your questions relevant. Generic questions are way too boring to keep up a convo. Instead of asking “How are the things?” each day, ask the person about their hobbies, life experiences, dreams and so on. A perfect way to show your interest and carry on the talk! You’ll learn more about the person through relevant questions, and the bond between you will become stronger. 

Make Friends Online – And Stay Cool
Make Friends Online – And Stay Cool

You want more friends and try the internet, but every other conversation ends up in embarrassment or silence? We’ve got you covered! Check out these pro tips on how to befriend people online – and don’t lose your face in the process. 

Join an interest group. Absolutely logical! It’s always easier to start a conversation when you and the other person have something in common. There are zillions of such groups on social media and networking sites. Find a few that suit you – and start making friends! Sending the first message will be easy as pie, and you’ll have plenty of topics to keep up the talk. 

Get into a conversation. Expert psychologists advise not to private-message a person right away. This may come across as creepy and intrusive. Join a conversation instead. Leave a comment under their post. Reblog it, adding some of your own thoughts on the topic. The possibilities are plenty, and you two will get to know each other naturally. When you feel confident enough, shoot them a private message – and start building the bond of friendship. 

Still not comfortable? Ask for permission to talk to them in private. It’s polite and more mature than shooting a PM five minutes after you’ve “met” the person. When you have it, now’s the time to start acting! Friendship and romantic relationships have one thing in common: both require time and effort to make things work the way they should. 

How to Keep Your Sensitive Data Safe
How to Keep Your Sensitive Data Safe

Today we cannot imagine our lives without social media networks. They are getting increasingly popular among the users of different ages, because these sites and apps have proved to be the most effective tools in connecting people online. Every popular social media site and app can boast a huge database of its users’ personal information, which is why the responsibility for the dissemination of private data should lie on social media platforms.

From year to year, more and more social network users suffer from cyberattacks and loss of personal data. Unfortunately, hacker attacks result not only in identity theft, but also lots of stress. This comes from letting your guard down and relying blindly on safety of social media platforms. Surely, online security is a rather tiresome issue, but you should not treat it with disrespect. So, how to keep your personal information safe when using social media?

Check out ten advice on how to stay safe and use your social media profile without worrying about security:

  1. Make sure that your password is strong enough
  2. Apply two-factor authentication
  3. Do not ignore security answers and customize your settings
  4. Filter the information you are going to post
  5. Apply a VPN
  6. Use antivirus software
  7. Check out friend requests and block fakes
  8. Check out your mailbox
  9. Upgrade your browser
  10. Always log off your account when your session is over

Keep your accounts protected and remember that your safety is in your hands.

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