What we do:



As interactive detailing experts, we help improve customer engagement with every tap.

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Web Services

Web Services

From one-page webcast invitations to full websites and microsites, we’ve got it covered.

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Approved Emails

Approved Emails

Send personalised, approved content for increased engagement with customers.

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The smart way to manage compliance, briefing and withdrawals.

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The AAA Plan.

The Iguazu ‘AAA’ plan is a marketing framework developed over years which brings together 3 key tactical stages in a repeating cycle. The AAA plan focuses on developing, implementing and updating an omnichannel marketing plan, as well as integrating an agile mindset into a structured marketing process.

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Veeva Full Service
Content Partners
Since 2010

A team of
Veeva experts.

Our highly trained team focus on delivering tactical iPad presentations. We have developed strong partnerships with leading Closed Loop Marketing platforms – Iguazu know how to support your marketing campaigns and how to make the most out of CLM capabilities.

100% of our team are fully Veeva accredited

Learn more about our partnership with Veeva

About Us.

Over almost two decades, we have delivered tactical marketing to our clients and offer full support to create innovative campaigns for HCPs and their patients. Unlike other agencies, we specialise in the healthcare and pharmaceuticals industry.

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“Over the years working with Iguazu, their dedication to delivering top-quality materials across a range of channels has always shone through. Iguazu’s expertise in communicating marketing messages in the digital space has been second to none. They have produced excellent marketing resources as well as insightful analytics to that continue to meet our objectives.”

– Andy Lancaster,
Digital Transformation Lead, MSD

Our Clients

Clients Clients

We are

If you’re looking to develop your skills and be involved with a successful and innovative organisation, then you’ll enjoy working with us!

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