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Primary & Prep Schools Brent
Infant, primary, junior, prepreparatory and preparatory schools in the Brent area. Independent, voluntary aided, church and state maintained establishments.
Elsley Primary School
Mixed primary school for boys and girls aged from 3-11yrs.Wembley
020 8902 8003
Oakington Manor Primary School
A large exciting 3 form entry primary school with nearly 700 pupils located close to Wembley Stadium. The Curriculum that we offer is based on the agreed aims of the school and the provision ofWembley
020 8902 2871
Kenmont Primary School
A one form community school. The two main community languages are English and Portuguese. Awarded the Arts Mark Gold Award by the DfES and the Arts Council, in recognition of the high standard of teaching in the 'Arts'.London
NW10 6AL
020 8969 4497
Saint Mary Magdalen's RC Junior Mixed School
As a Catholic School, St Mary Magdalen’s aims to provide the experience of a living and worshipping community, with a prominence for a knowledge and understanding of the content of the FaithWillesden Green
020 8459 3159
Uxendon Manor Primary School
Infant and junior school. Children are admitted to the reception class in the September of the academic year in which they reach five. There are two classes for each year group.Kenton
020 8907 5019
Gower House School
Long established independent school for boys and girls aged between about 2 � to 11 years. Early morning and afterschool care are available. French & computer studies are taught from 4yrs, specialist games teaching at 5yrs & swimming from 6yrs.Kingsbury
020 8205 2509
Malorees Junior School
Relatively small mixed junior school for around 270 children aged from 7-11yrs.Christchurch Avenue
020 8459 5452
North West London Jewish Day School
Provides a rounded Secular and Orthodox Jewish education, based on the National Curriculum and Orthodox Jewish sources.One form primary school for children from 3-11yrs.Willesden Lane
020 8459 3378
Mitchell Brook Primary School
Primary school for girls and boys from 3yrs (nursery class) to 11yrs.Bridge Road
NW10 9BX
020 8459 1392
Lloyd Williamson School
Independent prep school in W10 for boys and girls 4 yrs - 16 yrs. Small classes where each child is taught as an individual up to GCSE level. Excellent range of modern languages in a village school atmosphere.020 7243 3331
Salusbury Primary School
Salusbury is a multiracial, multicultural, multilingual and multireligious school. All national curriculum areas, both core and foundation subjects, are taught along with religious education and citizenshipKilburn
020 7624 0311
Lyon Park Junior School
Mixed junior school for boys and girls from 7-11yrs.Wembley
020 8902 1479