Tutors & tuition in Cambridgeshire

Private and group tuition in Cambridgeshire for children and students of all ages and abilities, school and university tutors, coaching, one to one lessons, classes and workshops, Saturday, school holiday and half term tutoring for late starters & children behind, SATS, Key stages 1 to 5, 7+, 8+, 11+, 13+, common entrance, entrance exams and scholarship papers, GCSE, A levels, coursework guidance, Oxbridge preparation, university degrees. Maths, English, science and tutorials in all school and university subjects run by qualified, experienced, CRB vetted, teachers & lecturers.

    Justin Craig Summer School Featured
    Designed for Year 10, 11 and 12 students, their Summer School GCSE & A Level courses are an excellent mix of learning and fun. Residential & day places are available.
    Central London - Hertfordshire - Derbyshire
    01727 744340

    St Neots Tuition
    Tuition from Year 1 to GCSE in English, Maths and science, professional primary and secondary school teaching from basic skills and understanding through to the top grades at GCSE.
    St Neots, Cambs
    PE19 7BA
    01480 218183

    Elite Tuition
    GCSE & A level maths tuition, 100% grade A & A* success rate. Free student assessment with thorough cognitive assessment provided in writing, regardless of whether or not student chooses to join.
    0800 612 9545

    JT Tutoring
    JT Tutoring provide core curriculum lessons at all levels from primary to A Level covering Cambridge, Bedford, St Neots and Biggleswade.
    Cambridge - Bedford - St Neots - Biggleswade
    07498 680620

    Tutor Doctor Cambridge
    Home tutoring in the Cambridge area for primary school children, entrance exams, 11+, 13+, secondary school KS3, GCSE, A Levels and adult learning.
    01799 525005

    Cambridge Education and Training
    Leading provider of private tutoring services including one-to-one, small group and home tuition. Their tutors have taught students ranging from toddlers to those proving that you're never too old to learn. Most subjects, pre exam revision courses.
    Upwood, Cambridgeshire
    PE26 2PU
    0844 057 0328

    Excelr8 Learning
    At Excelr8 Learning, your child is taught only by qualified and experienced Cambridge English & maths tutors who guide and support their learning every step of the way. modern well-equipped learning centre,.
    01954 211888

    First Cass Learning
    First Class Learning concentrates on English and Maths for children in Cambridge and promotes independent learning and study skills, so that your child gains the confidence to tackle new concepts. Four tuition centres in the Cambridge area.
    01223 902081

    Richard Harris Tutor Cambridge
    Richard Harris provides private tuition in the heart of Cambridge, high impact one-to-one tutoring that will make a substantial, measurable & lasting impact on your child's education. SATs, 11 plus, school entrance exams, CGSEs & A-Levels.
    Cambridge - Surrounding villages - Huntingdon - Newmarket- London - Abroad
    07950 577756

    Cambridge Education & Training
    Experienced, qualified home tutors that have coached 1000s of students of all ages for school entry exams through to GCSEs, A-Levels & beyond. CET has become established as one of Cambridgeshire's leading tutoring agencies.
    01223 398800

    Blue Tutors Cambridge
    Founded in Cambridge, Blue Tutors provide tuition at degree, A Level, IB, GCSE, primary and 11+/Common Entrance levels. They cover all core subjects & every other possible subject you can think of, one to one & group rates.
    020 8123 4493
