Wedding Services / Wedding Lists

London wedding list specialists. Shops, department stores and online services. Experienced and personalised consultants.

    John Lewis Gift List
    Naturally, friends and family will want to give you a present to mark the occasion. The best way to ensure you receive what you want and are not given the same present twice is to open a John Lewis Gift List.
    0845 6002202

    Bottom Drawer, The
    Offers a complete garden design and landscaping wedding gift list registry service that works in the same way as any department store wedding list.
    0870 246 1667

    Liberty Wedding Service
    The Wedding Shop at Liberty has established itself as the most stylish and personal wedding list specialist
    Regent Street
    W1B 5AH
    020 7734 1234

    Buy Our Honeymoon
    Create your ultimate fantasy wishlist to transform your honeymoon into the trip of a lifetime. Zero service charge.
    SE10 9PJ
    0845 224 0189

    Debenhams Wedding List Service
    planning and organising your wedding day can be complicated, but with Debenhams award winning Wedding Service to guide you simply and easily through every aspect, you can relax and enjoy all the preparations
    0844 5 616161
