Crime Barristers

Criminal defence and crime law barristers providing specialist advocacy & advice in every aspect of crime including direct access to clients. Serious fraud, business crime, rape, murder, money laundering, driving & firearms offences to drugs, terrorism, corruption, child sex offences & all other criminal cases. Appeals and direct client access.

    Matrix Chambers
    Crime law barristers in central London. Specialist skills and experience in domestic and international crime and associated areas of law. They offer a unique blend of criminal, human rights and public law experience.
    Gray's Inn
    WC1R 5LN
    020 7404 3447

    23 Essex Street
    A leading London UK barristers' chambers - specialists in criminal and white - collar crime.
    Essex Street
    WC2R 3AA
    020 7413 0353

    Garden Court Chambers
    Central London crime barristers. Their criminal defence team is known for its fighting spirit, fearless commitment to clients and unwavering determination to be a voice for those disadvantaged by poverty, discrimination, racism and abuses of State power.
    Lincoln's Inn Fields
    WC2A 3LJ
    020 7993 7600

    Staple Inn Chambers
    Central London crime barristers. All types of criminal cases are instructed in both defence and prosecution work. Members appear in all courts from the Magistrates' Courts to the Court of Appeal and House of Lords.
    WC1V 7QH
    020 7242 5240

    4 Stone Buildings
    London corporate fraud barristers. Over many years they have developed a depth of experience and expertise in acting for liquidators, administrators, directors, creditors, bondholders, bond trustees and shareholders
    Lincoln's Inn
    WC2A 3XT
    020 7242 5524

    Doughty Street Chambers
    London criminal law barristers. The criminal team is the largest team in chambers with practitioners at all levels of seniority who provide high quality, specialist advocacy and advice in every aspect of criminal law.
    Doughty Street
    WC1N 2PL
    020 7831 6666

    2 Bedford Row
    Fraud & serious crime barristers in London. Members of chambers are frequently instructed in defence cases where the allegations are sensitive and or high profile. They are instructed on behalf of various professional bodies to represent members.
    Bedford Row
    WC1R 4BU
    020 7440 8888

    18 Red Lion Court
    Crime barristers in London. Specialise in the full range of criminal and related work. Murder, terrorism, organised crime, fraud, financial crime, rape & sexual offences, appellate work & all other crime.
    Chancery Lane - Chelmsford
    EC4A 3EB
    020 7520 6000

    33 Chancery Lane
    Specialist fraud barristers in central London. Expertise in all areas of suspected commercial wrongdoing including civil fraud, asset recovery and financial crime. Members of Chambers act as advisors and advocates, nationally and internationally.
    Chancery Lane
    WC2A 1EN
    020 7440 9950

    4 Breams Buildings
    Prosecution & defence crime barristers in Chancery Lane. Serious crime - murder, rape, drugs, terrorism. money laundering, firearms offences, fraud & financial crime, corporate manslaughter & all other crime work.
    Chancery Lane
    EC4A 1HP
    020 7092 1900

    No 5 Chambers
    London barristers specialising in criminal fraud & proceeds of crime. No5 has an enviable reputation for its expertise in this niche area. Members have appeared in courts throughout the UK in many of the most serious money laundering and fraud cases.
    Shoe Lane
    EC4A 3JB
    0845 210 5555

    3 Raymond Buildings
    Gray's Inn crime barristers set. One of very few chambers with substantial experience of international criminal law and of advocacy abroad. Murder, manslaughter, fraud, sexual offences, drugs, armed robbery, terrorism & all serious crime.
    Gray's Inn
    WC1R 5BH
    020 7400 6400

    Farringdon Barristers Chambers
    Crime barristers in SE London. They also specialise in Mental Health law.
    Bermondsey Street
    SE1 3TQ
    020 7089 5700

    1 King's Bench Walk
    1kbw are expert in criminal procedure & litigation, particularly murder, sexual offences, cases involving vulnerable witnesses, serious violence, serious fraud, corporate & financial crime, customs & revenue offences, drugs & money laundering.
    EC4Y 7DB
    020 7936 1500

    15 New Bridge Street
    City of London crime barristers. A modern, progressive and approachable set that is focused on delivering a first class service to all clients.
    City of London
    EC4V 6AU
    020 7842 1900

    Thomas More Chambers
    Crime barristers in central London. The Criminal Team offer substantial experience and ability in all aspects of the criminal law, from the simplest road traffic matter to the most complex commercial fraud.
    Lincoln's Inn Fields
    WC2A 3BP
    020 7404 7000

    Colin Aylott QC
    Colin Aylott QC is a leading QC in the field of criminal law practising at Carmelite Chambers, a leading UK criminal defence chambers. He is instructed by many of the UK’s top criminal defence solicitors, also approachable direct.
    EC4Y 0DR
    020 3880 9727

    Furnival Chambers
    City of London crime barristers chambers. Specialising in serious crime, criminal & civil fraud, serious sexual offences, regulation & compliance, asset forfeiture, anti - terrorism laws.
    Furnival Street
    EC4A 1JQ
    020 7405 3232

    Matthew Lawson Barrister
    Fraud and financial crime, organized crime and regulatory & disciplinary proceedings barrister in the City of London. Experienced as both a junior and leader, the practice concentrates on those three principal areas.
    EC4Y 0DR

    5 Pump Court Chambers
    Crime barristers in London. Barristers act for the prosecution and defence in cases brought by the Crown Prosecution Service, the Department of Trade and Industry, Revenue & Customs, the Inland Revenue, the RSPCA and the Health and Safety Executive.
    EC4Y 7AP
    020 7353 2532

    Atkinson Bevan Chambers
    Crime barristers - defence & prosecution, in Central London. Involved in all kinds of criminal cases, ranging from specialist expertise such as murder and terrorism, to more routine offences found every day in the magistrates' and Crown Courts.
    EC4Y 9DB
    020 7353 2112

    9-12 Bell Yard
    Leading set of barristers' Chambers in London specialising in criminal law. Expertise in criminal litigation, both prosecuting and defending, relating to fraud, corruption, murder, serious and organised crime.
    WC2A 2JR
    020 7400 1800

    25 Bedford Row
    25 Bedford Row, the Chambers of Rock Tansey QC, has earned a reputation as leader in the field of criminal defence representation. Business crime, serious crime, civil liberties, human rights and international practice.
    Bedford Row
    WC1R 4HD
    020 7067 1500

    1 Pump Court
    Crime barristers based in Temple, central London. A large experienced team of barristers practising exclusively in criminal defence work. They provide representation to persons accused of the whole range of crimes throughout criminal proceedings.
    EC4Y 7AB
    020 7842 7070

    9 Bedford Row
    Headed by 9 QCs, acknowledged within the profession as heavyweights in the field, backed by an array of notable juniors, 9 Bedford Row offers extensive experience of involvement in the prosecution and defence of allegations of serious and complex crime.
    Bedford Row
    WC1R 4AZ
    020 7489 2727

    Farrar's Building
    Serious and white collar crime barristers in central London.
    EC4Y 7BD
    020 7583 9241

    9 Gough Square
    A leading and successful London set in the field of Criminal Law with strength at all levels. Members have extensive experience of both prosecuting and defending. Barristers on the Attorney General’s Panel of Prosecution Advocates.
    Gough Square
    EC4A 3DG
    020 7832 0500

    Dyers Chambers
    Crime barristers in central London. High profile murders to serious and complex fraud, large scale money laundering and drug trafficking matters as well as terrorist trials and corruption cases, from the Magistrates' Court to the House of Lords.
    Bedford Road
    WC1R 4JH
    020 7404 1881

    Nick Barraclough Criminal Barrister
    Expertise in serious fraud & white collar crime, murder trials, rape, serious sexual allegations, organised crime, money laundering, drugs cases, offences against the person. Advisory, review, asset forfeiture, restraint & disciplinary work.
    Fleet Street
    EC4A 2AT
    020 7430 7430

    QEB Hollis Whiteman
    City of London barristers chambers specialising in crime & fraud. Members have appeared to prosecute and defend in many of the most significant and high - profile criminal trials of the last 40 years.
    City of London
    EC4Y 9BS
    020 7583 5766
